May is Celiac Awareness Month! I have been gluten free for 16 years. My gluten free journey initially had several bumps in the road. There was a lot of trial and error. To be honest, in the beginning it was extremely stressful and frustrating. Things have changed significantly since my Celiac diagnosis in 2002. There has been an increased motivation to become aware of the plight of custom eaters and their needs. There has been significant gains in learning how to diagnose Celiac disease as well as how to identify its many symptoms. Manufacturers are creating products designed especially for the gluten free market. They are also beginning to understand the importance of avoiding cross contamination. Most of all, the biggest gain in my estimate is that Celiac disease is recognized by the American Medical Association. The AMA has provided certain protections/rights to college students who are required to purchase a meal plan. It also discusses Celiac disease in the workplace. Attached is the link to the February 26, 2018 article:"Does the ADA Cover People With Celiac Disease?"
Congratulations to all of the advocates, researchers, Celiacs and those with gluten intolerance issues! All of your efforts have made Celiac Awareness Month a national event. Here’s to continuing to make Celiac awareness bigger, bolder and stronger every year. XOXOXOX Dawn
How much do you really know about carrots? Do you believe that the larger carrots are healthier? What would you think if I told you that was a myth? Organic and GMO free carrots are much smaller than genetically modified carrots. In fact they have a less consistency in shape and size. Carrots come in several colors such as orange (the most recognized), yellow, white, red and purple. Carrots are a source of beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin K, potassium and contain antioxidants. Carrots have been associated with lower cholesterol levels and they are considered to be a weight loss friendly vegetable. Carrots can be enjoyed cooked or eaten raw. I like to bake carrots with olive oil, cinnamon and nutmeg. Whatever your preferred style for eating carrots, I hope you will enjoy them. Also, please look for the many colors of carrots at your local farmers' market.
XOXOXOX Dawn Last year I decided to join Weight Watchers online after receiving positive feedback from several of my friends. However after joining the program, I discovered that my journey differed significantly from my friends. The main reason for the significant difference was that I was on a gluten free diet. In this video I discuss my experience with the program as a Celiac. I also discuss how I viewed my weight and size pre and post Celiac Disease diagnosis. I also provide an overview of the diet plan that I have been following since I discontinued the Weight Watchers plan. In addition to discussing cheating on your diet, I talk about portion control. I hope that you will find this video informative. Remember it is only my perspective. As I strive to have an honest and loving relationship with my body, I always try to remember to take a healthy approach to dieting. XOXOXOX Dawn As a Celiac with natural hair, I am always looking for new products. I have been sampling the 365 Whole Foods product line on and off for the last 8 months. This video captures feedback on my experience with the shampoos and conditioners. I hope you will find this information useful. XOXOXOX Dawn It is extremely important to take care of both the inside and outside of your body. Kiss Freely has two products that I love! I use both of these products weekly. The sugar scrub is great for the entire body (excluding your face), especially the heels of your feet and elbows. The best body butter ever is great for moisturizing your skin (excluding your face. Kiss Freely products are all natural allergen & gluten free. In addition to voiding the 8 major allergens, their products do not include the do not use sesame, shea butter, peas, coconut, avocado and sunflower seeds. For a full line of products, please visit their website: XOXOXOX Dawn This is a dish that can be served as breakfast, lunch, brunch or dinner. Unlike most frittatas that require cooking on top of the stove and in the oven, this one was made in the oven only. This allowed me to bake and serve the dish in the same beautiful pan. This dish can be made many times without being boring. You can add different ingredients each time that it is cooked. XOXOXOX Dawn College can be an adjustment for students. It can also become a complicated adjustment when the students are custom eaters. Schools are still adjusting meal plans and snacks to meet the needs of custom eaters. As a result of this, many of the care packages marketed to the parents of incoming freshmen fail to include custom eaters. One of my followers is vegan, so I created a gluten free and vegan care package for her to take to school. XOXOXOX Dawn Essential oils are trendy. There is a lot of buzz about using essential oils. DIY beauty and house hold products all talk about the various uses of these oils. I had the opportunity to speak with Jamie Cutts at the Gluten Free and Allergen Friendly Expo. I feel that it is extremely important to understand what essentials are and how to use them. Most of all, like any other product, essential oils can be high quality or a lesser quality. Please watch my interview with Jamie. She discusses how to use some of the most common essential oils. In addition to this, Jamie provides insight on what makes doTerra a leader in the essential oils business. To contact Jamie for additional information: Ollin Essential Oils with Jamie Cutts Website is Email: [email protected] XOXOXOX Daswn It's time to start the count down. We are days away from the Gluten Free and Allergen Friendly Expo. Come join the fun and meet me at the Expo!
This blog post differs from my traditional posts. Most of my blogs are about gluten free cooking with an occasional product and/or eatery review. Natural hair care is extremely popular. Manufacturers of hair products are now focusing on making natural products or what they would like for the average consumer to think is a natural product. This coupled with the fact that there are an increasing number of women who are wearing wigs for many reasons. Some of these reasons are convenience, style flexibility for work, transitioning from relax to natural hair. These women come from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. Ahava Felicidad is known as holistic hair healer or natural beauty and wellness specialist and aroma therapist. The video below focuses on caring for natural hair while wearing a wig. I found this topic extremely interesting. During the co-wash demo on the video, Ahava provides great insight on a number of topics related to hair care. Ahava Felicidad Hair and Body boasts a large variety of services including instructional classes on styling, natural hair care and a line of products that are natural and gluten free. To learn more: Ahava Felicidad Hair and Body Studio Pure by Ahava Felicidad 4 Midland Avenue Montclair, NJ 07043 [email protected] 201-921-9894 XOXOXOX Dawn |
DawnCome and explore with the gluten free eye! Archives
February 2022