Let's start thinking about Spring! Do you think it is too early? It is never too early to plan your spring planting. My son and I begin the process of planning our summer garden in February. We have already removed the dead plant stems from our flower pots. Yes, everything in our garden is grown in pots. We are looking in the Burpee catalog and trying to select something new for this year's garden. I have a few ideas, but have settled on anything specific yet.
Gardening is an excellent hobby. You can garden with your family or alone. It is relaxing and provides something positive to focus on. Do you have a window that receives a lot of sunshine? If yes, that is the perfect area for a small garden. Try growing herbs. I recommend Rosemary, Basil, Parsley and Sage. These herbs are excellent for indoor gardens. They can be planted in separate flower pots or you can plant them together in a window box. Also you can dry these herbs, place them in a jar and either loosely chop or grind the herbs before cooking with them. XOXOXOX Dawn
DawnCome and explore with the gluten free eye! Archives
February 2022