<![CDATA[Gluten Free Eye - Blog]]>Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:28:32 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Meet Me At The Online Expo]]>Fri, 18 Feb 2022 01:32:38 GMThttp://glutenfreeeye.com/-blog/meet-me-at-the-online-expo]]><![CDATA[Meet Me At The Online Nourished Festival - Saturday, 11/6 & Sunday, 11/7]]>Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:56:45 GMThttp://glutenfreeeye.com/-blog/meet-me-at-the-online-nourished-festival-saturday-116-sunday-117
It Is Time To Register For The FREE GF Expo!

Join us on November 6 & 7
Discover new allergen-friendly products, get coupons and discounts,
entergiveaways, and watch classes! All for FREE!
https://www.nourishedfestival.com/gluten-free-expo Click HERE To Register!

Issues Registering? Reach out to Michelle
atmailto:michelleb@showmetry.com?subject= michelleb@showmetry.com

Check Out Some Of The Fantastic Giveaways!

Check Out Our Great Presenters!
https://gfx.showmetry.com/coming-soon Click HERE to see our class schedule
& exhibitors
Once you are registered you can bookmark your favorite brands and register
for class session!

<![CDATA[Next Support Group Meeting: Sunday, October 24th at 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm]]>Wed, 06 Oct 2021 23:38:15 GMThttp://glutenfreeeye.com/-blog/next-support-group-meeting-sunday-october-24th-at-300-pm-430-pm]]><![CDATA[Corned Beef, Cabbage & Potatoes]]>Tue, 23 Mar 2021 00:37:03 GMThttp://glutenfreeeye.com/-blog/corned-beef-cabbage-potatoes
On St. Patrick's Day I made Corned Beef, Cabbage and Potatoes in my new crockpot.  This was the first time that I made Corned Beef.  Boar's Head Corned Beef Brisket is gluten free! It was so simple to cook.  I looked at several recipes online, the preparation time and ingredients were consistent, but if you did not have the ingredients to pickle seasonings; you are probably going to buy ingredients that you may use once! Boar's Head eliminated that problem by including a packet of pickled seasons that is designed to give the Corned Beef it's unique taste. I added few seasons of my own such garlic, onions, sage, salt and pepper.  I wish that I could take the credit for long hours and hard labor in the kitchen, but the crockpot on slow did all of the work in 6 hours.  The Corned Beef cooked while I was working. It was tender and falling part. We ate the Corned Beef sliced and I also had a sandwich.  It was really tasty! I can honestly say that Corned Beef is not just for St. Patrick's Day! We will be eating it throughout the year.


<![CDATA[Guess Who Has A New Look!]]>Fri, 12 Mar 2021 00:24:57 GMThttp://glutenfreeeye.com/-blog/guess-who-has-a-new-look
The Certified Gluten Free logo has a new look! No need to worry, the logo still represents the same standard. The old logo is still being used on some products.  However it is slowly being phased out.

What does this mean for/to you? Nothing has changed. You can still depend on GFCO.ORG to be a resource of quality and verified information. The organization only certifies product that adhere to a specific criteria for being gluten free. The website has a gluten free certified product finder, safety alerts, published studies and news articles.

Look for the Certified Gluten Free logo on your favorite foods, beverages and products.  Also, remember that the website is a great resource for information.


<![CDATA[Nourished Festival - March 20 - 21, 2021]]>Fri, 05 Mar 2021 02:10:38 GMThttp://glutenfreeeye.com/-blog/nourished-festival-march-20-21-2021
Join me at the Nourished Festival.  It has a new format.  It is user friendly and the brands familiar and new will be participating. It is free and there is no time commitment. Join for a few minutes or spend hours with us.  Take classes and sign-up for giveaways. Follow my social media for updates about the event.


<![CDATA[The Good Crisp Company Giveaway!!]]>Fri, 05 Mar 2021 01:53:53 GMThttp://glutenfreeeye.com/-blog/the-good-crisp-company-giveaway
This is a fun, easy and delightful cookbook created by The Good Crisp Company!  This cookbook was designed especially for kids.  There are fun and some unique recipes that are easy to make in a matter of minutes!!!  Email me at questions@glutenfreeeye.com.  There are only have two cookbooks, so they are first and second to email wins the giveaway!!!


<![CDATA[Thinking Ahead - Spring Gardens]]>Thu, 18 Feb 2021 02:34:09 GMThttp://glutenfreeeye.com/-blog/thinking-ahead-spring-gardens
Let's start thinking about Spring!  Do you think it is too early? It is never too early to plan your spring planting.  My son and I begin the process of planning our summer garden in February.  We have already removed the dead plant stems from our flower pots.  Yes, everything in our garden is grown in pots. We are looking in the Burpee catalog and trying to select something new for this year's garden. I have a few ideas, but have settled on anything specific yet.

Gardening is an excellent hobby. You can garden with your family or alone.  It is relaxing and provides something positive to focus on. Do you have a window that receives a lot of sunshine? If yes, that is the perfect area for a small garden.  Try growing herbs.  I recommend Rosemary, Basil, Parsley and Sage. These herbs are excellent for indoor gardens.  They can be planted in separate flower pots or you can plant them together in a window box. Also you can dry these herbs, place them in a jar and either loosely chop or grind the herbs before cooking with them.

<![CDATA[Goodbye Summer Garden!]]>Thu, 24 Sep 2020 22:59:36 GMThttp://glutenfreeeye.com/-blog/goodbye-summer-gardenHappy Autumn!  It saddens me to slowly watch summer end.  We are slowly loosing daylight and the nights are much cooler.  Like the warm weather, our family garden is reaching the end of its season.  This video depicts the status of the plants in our summer garden.  I hope you enjoyed this series and I am looking forward to doing it again in 2021.

<![CDATA[Deepa's Podcast featuring Jen Cafferty]]>Mon, 21 Sep 2020 23:11:58 GMThttp://glutenfreeeye.com/-blog/deepas-podcast-featuring-jen-caffertyThe 1st Online Nourished Festival begins on Thursday, September 24th and ends on Saturday, September 26th. If you do not know a lot about the Nourished Festival Deepa's interview with the Jen Cafferty, CEO of the Nourished Group can provide you with some great insight.

I hope to see you at the Festival.  Look for me in the Blogger/Influencer section. I have a booth.  Look for the Gluten Free Eye logo as featured on the home page of this website.

