Americans seems to have a passive / aggressive approach to understanding and co-existing with people who have food allergies. On one hand, the food industry that caters to food allergies is a multi-billion dollar revenue source for thousands of companies. This industry has developed marketing campaigns that highlight the importance of understanding the seriousness of food allergies. It treats its consumer base as an important niche marketing group.
There is also another approach to the discussion of food allergies. It is part of human nature. It is our ability to make light of things. To make fun of ourselves. To be honest, we all love a good joke. However it appears to be trendy to make jokes about people who are allergic to certain foods. Food allergies are serious and yet people who suffer from them are made the butt of jokes. There have been instances where our desire for comic relief has made us lack compassion for those who become seriously ill as a result of these allergies and require medical assistance. Certain jokes about food allergies lead people to feel uncomfortable in social settings. They encourage teasing, bullying and other negative social behavior. I have personally encountered situations where individuals have been rude, insensitive and/or disrespectful remarks while expressing there lack of knowledge and attempts at poor human while discussing Celiac Disease and food allergies. As we enter the last quarter of 2019, let's move forward on a path the will ensure that Celiac Disease and food allergies are reviewed in a more positive and respectful manner. XOXOXOX Dawn source:
I am again featuring the video that introduced me to the NIMA gluten testing device. I pre-ordered my device immediately following the 2015 Nourished Festival (formerly GFAF Expo). This device has helped numerous people to avoid being exposed to gluten accidentally. If you are a Celiac or on a gluten free diet, always remember that when it comes to gluten in food, when in doubt do with out. Please do not forget to check out the Nima video below. XOXOXOX Dawn |
DawnCome and explore with the gluten free eye! Archives
February 2022