Did you know that there could be glutens in the main attraction of your Thanksgiving dinner? Yes, your turkey could potentially contain glutens. I know this is a frightening thought. But it is true. Before you purchase your bird, do some research and make sure that your turkey is gluten free.
I prepare a turkey breast from Shady Brook Farms for Thanksgiving dinner. The packaging clearly states that it is gluten free. Shady Brook Farms’ turkey breasts and turkeys can be found in most supermarkets. I typically purchase my turkey breast at my local Shoprite. Also, if you are not good at determining when your turkey is done, Shady Brook Farms turkeys and turkey breast have the timer that pops out when your turkey/breast is fully cooked. XOXOXOX Dawn
Thanksgiving can be challenging for custom eaters. Please join me as I host Freedible's 2016 Thanksgiving Campaign. Let's all contribute recipes and share information via our blogs, YouTube channel and other social media to help ensure that every custom eating family has an enjoyable Thanksgiving meal.
XOXOXOXOX Dawn Halloween is one of the most difficult events for young custom eaters. There is tons of free candy and none of it may be safe for young custom eaters to enjoy. This takes away a great part of the Halloween experience.
Change the story for your customer eater! Secretly prepare goodie bags for your custom eater and give them to your friends and family. This will ensure that they will have a treat from every house that you visit. If you are not sure how to do this, there are probably lots of people who are willing to help but do not know what to do. Seek assistance from your child’s classroom mom, soccer coach, lunch room mom, teacher, girl/boy scout troop leader, your next door neighbors and friends. Map out your trick or treat route and visit the homes that are holding goodie bags for your custom eater. Implementing this tip will change your custom eaters Halloween experience! XOXOXOX Dawn One of the most amazing things about technology is that you can contact anyone anywhere at any given time. Although that is great, nothing is better that engaging in face-to-face conversation. At the #GFAF Expo I had the opportunity to spend time with Cheryl Viirand of Freedible.com and Rozelyn De Sagun the Frugalista Mom. It was great to converse with both of them as well as to share the fabulous experience of attending this wonderful expo.
XOXOXOX Dawn Day 1 of the Gluten Free and Allergen Free Expo was a blast! Great people, lots of products to sample and I met most of the vendors. A big shout of to team Freedible and the #Frugalista Mom. XOXOXOX Dawn Looking forward to seeing you at the expo! So many vendors, lots of new gluten free products and tons of free samples! Don't miss out on this extraordinary event. Remember it is the gluten and allergen free expo, so there is something for almost every custom eater.
XOXOXOX Dawn It's that time of year again! The GF & AF Expo will be held on: Saturday October 15th and Sunday, October 16th at the
Meadowlands Exposition Center, 355 Plaza Drive, Secaucus, NJ 07094. This is my favorite gluten free event! It provides the opportunity to meet gluten free vendors. You may be surprised to learn how many vendors are located in New Jersey and the tri-state area. There is an amazing amount of free samples. I love this event because it is the only place that I can go from booth to booth, eat samples and test products without asking "is this gluten free?" I am giving away 5 free tickets to the Expo. Send me an email with two to three sentences stating why you are interested in attending the expo to win a free ticket. To purchase discounted tickets: 30% off w/ code EARLYBIRD (thru 9/14) 20% off w/ code ADVANCE (thru 10/14) go to: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/secaucus-nj-gluten-free-allergen-friendly-expo-oct-15-16-10am-4pm-daily-tickets-19810682284?aff=gfaf_loc_top_btn Enjoy!! XOXOXOX Dawn Let’s be honest. It is the summer. We are hot, tired or too lazy to cook. Unfortunately this is a formula for poor eating habits that are costly. Try adding one or all of these items to your summer grocery list and incorporate them into your meals. Cherry tomatoes, bean sprouts, red/green peppers, shredded carrots, garlic, ginger and limes. You can pair them with a salad; add them to meats and vegetables. Most importantly you can mix them together and use the garlic, ginger and lime as a dressing for your side salad with tomatoes, bean sprouts carrots, red and green peppers. This is quick, fast, easy, tasty and healthy.
DawnCome and explore with the gluten free eye! Archives
February 2022